Pueblo West, CO bound...

July 15, 2019 - Monday morning we left Foss Lake and pointed our RV (we still need to give here a name) to Colorado.  Mark's Aunt Davey Sue Thompson lives in Pueblo West.  After a long 600+ mile day on the road,  we pulled into the Rita Blanca City Park in Dalhart , TX.    It was good to get off the road.  This particular drive was thru some of the most barren land either of us had ever seen!    Even though it was late in the evening,  we rode our bikes into town and enjoyed simply people watching near  a local United grocery store,  while eating ice cream.

July 16, 2019 -  Tuesday afternoon we arrived at Blue Lakes Campground near La Veta, CO via Hwy 12 which is known as the Colorado Scenic Byway: Highway of Legends.  This was a beautiful camp site and our first true NW Rockies mountain experience thus far.  This campground was located above 10,000 ft,   Our bodies definitely felt the "thin" air,  even when stationary.   We had a great hike down to Blue Lake including enjoying watching Nika experiencing her first mountain creek.

July 17, 2019 -  Wednesday we arrived in West Pueblo, CO.     We were able to connect and spend several hours with Aunt Davey Sue in her home and then going out for lunch.  She has a beautiful yard and it is interesting to see the difference in the type of landscape plants used in this more arid part of CO compared to the South FL tropics.
After saying our goodbyes,  Judy began looking for a place where we could spend the night in the Colorado Springs area.   Using a web site called  "Boondockers Welcome" we were able to find a host where we could park at a members house with electric hookup.  This turned out to be a great experience.  Doug and Karen were very welcoming, with both sharing info of the local area and things to do.  Nika enjoyed being able to run around the yard.   There was a small pond that we rode our bikes down to that evening with the highlight being the numerous large Jack Rabbits with their long ears, hopping quickly across the fields.
