Time to catch up..

July 23, 2019 -  Rock Springs is a moderate size town.  We had breakfast in the parking lot at Walmart and decided we should spend some time on business matters (they don't go away just because we do) and getting this blog updated.   Since wifi is challenging on the road,  we went to the local White Mountain Library.  Very nice experience.  We both agreed that we will have to build in some time each week for a few hours at a library or similar local.   The weather is beautiful with lots of sunshine.  The 400 watt solar system that Mark installed in the RV a few weeks ago is working well. Sometime in the near future we will be upgrading to lithium batteries to give us even greater energy independence.  The 4 KW generator is a good backup if we have cloudy days or need to run the air conditioning.    Later in the afternoon we rode bikes up near where the housing developments, meet the mountain range.  Enjoyed seeing the nice yards and North West style homes with lots of rock and brick.    Judy had researched and found a local museum to visit (Rock Springs Historical Museum) and fortunately for us we stopped by.  It was a great find and quite interesting.  The building housing the current museum used to be the city hall, fire department and prison,,,  all in one!     The jail cells were still there and most of the rooms had ceilings of at least 15 ft.   What we found most interesting was how immigrants from 50+ countries help develop the town as it is today.  Most of these men worked the coal mines which was in full demand in the late 1800's.   The artifacts from various immigrant's  including pictures made it very real.   An interesting story was about a Greek Orthodox Priest who ministered to the town.  He spoke 7 languages!    They said back then it was very normal to hear several languages while walking thru the city streets.

Below is a wedding ensemble for a Syrian woman that was donated to the museum to depict the different cultures that were present at that time.

After spending another night at the Walmart Ritz,  we decided to pack up our bags and head north, with the eventual hope of reaching the Grand Teton National Park and beyond.
